Republican state Sen. Don Coram announced his primary campaign against U.S. Representative, and Colorado embarrassment, Lauren Boebert last week. Let’s hope that Coram and his allies bring more than his winning smile to the gunfight sure to ensue.
Coram is one of the most jovial, well-liked and respected members of the Colorado legislature. He is thoughtful and open-minded. He combines a conservative disposition with a sharp intellect and willingness to horse-trade for legislation he deems important.
It has made him one of the most effective Republican legislators in Colorado over the past decade. Those characteristics would serve Western Colorado well in Congress.
But the ability to govern and the ability to campaign are separate animals.
Former U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton learned that unfortunate reality when he lost to Boebert in 2020. His decades of service to the Western Slope and 94% Republican voting record did not save him from Boebert’s oratorical barrage. Her loud, boisterous allegations against Tipton sank his political career. It did not matter most had no basis in fact or reality.
For Coram to win, his campaign cannot follow the same path taken by Tipton or Boebert’s general election challenger, the milquetoast Diane Mitsch Bush.